Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another crappy day

I'm sorry, but I think this year is going to be full of them. Found out that the teachers who were hoping to stay in their jobs (because Eric Gordon had said so) were given the notice today to be prepared to be laid off again. Our 4th/5th split teacher is one of them. She is a great teacher and this will be a huge loss to Clark. Not only that, but she has approximately 14 4th graders and 22 5th graders. If her position is not filled those 4th graders will be coming to our room increasing the already full room from 34 to 48. Need I say more. But they are staffing us at 40 to 1, so what does 8 more matter, right? Quality education all the way! The position is now posted as "open", but I predict that the district will hold these open positions over our heads asking us to make more concessions in order to keep these teachers. Our classroom is already unbearable. I can't imagine teaching 48 students. However, it is already being done in Cleveland. Michele had to give up her desk for 4 of her students because there are not enough desks in her room for 57 students. In another Cleveland school any high school students who do not make it to class on time are forced to sit on the floor or stand. Its a disgrace. 159.

1 comment:

  1. I can see why you'd be unhappy in your job. Wow, I had no idea schools were allowed to have that many children in a classroom with only one teacher.
