Saturday, May 26, 2012


I have been getting up at 6:00 every morning to walk Scout.  I am on a mission to slim her down and get her good and healthy for the move.  I was walking her in the evenings after work, but I definitely prefer mornings.  I have more energy, there are no people on the path, less bugs and much, much cooler.  I have seen more bunnies and chipmunks this year than ever before.  I wonder if the coyote population has decreased.  I have also seen and heard more Baltimore Orioles this year than ever before.  They seem to love our tulip trees, but they usually move inside the tree near the top so they are hard to see.  I can hear them chattering at me though.

Scout just jumped up on the window seat and barked so loud that she made me scream, which in turned scared the poop out of her.  LOL

I began going through all of my stuff at work this week and purging everything.  I have been pretty good over the years of throwing stuff away, but I still had so much crap that should have been tossed ages ago.  Cathy took some, but most went in the trash.  It felt great.  I gave a lot of stuff to the kids too.  It is so hard to wrap my brain around the fact that I will be walking out of that building in 7 days never to return again.  20 years of my life spent in that building.  So strange.  I have seen some crazy shit in that school.  I should have started a book when I was in my 20's.  It would have been a best seller.  I feel like I should be sad and weepy when I think about leaving, but all I feel is an overwhelming joy and a sense of relief.  The only thing that makes me sad and angry is when I think about what those teachers have to look forward to in the years ahead.  I hope that all of our negative projections do not materialize and that the schools actually become better places of learning, but I am doubtful.  So doubtful.  But, back to me.  20 years.  20 years of my life.  22 counting when I worked at Kentucky.  Plus my year at St. Pat's.  So, 23.  They were good years too.  I really enjoyed and even loved my job for the most part.  We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, and I would like to think, hope that I changed a few student's lives. 

Mark took the kids camping at Beaver Creek yesterday.  I was going to go, but I wanted to work on Friday, which meant that I would have had to go down Sat. morning.  That was no big deal, but I really didn't want to take Scout.  I was going to kennel her, but with the holiday weekend I wouldn't have been able to pick her up until Tuesday morning  So even though we were going to be home on Sunday, she would have been at the kennel until Tuesday.  I didn't want to do that to her.  Plus, the heat.  Camping in 90 degree weather.  Yuck.  I am enjoying my slice of quiet right now.  I can actually think in my head without being interrupted for two whole days.  But I know that by tomorrow morning I will be itching to see them. 

Plans for today?  Bank, Tractor Supply to check out their new season of t-shirts, pedicure.  :)  Then, who knows?  Do some more purging and compiling of notes.  Go through stuff.  Etc...

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