Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Goat Breeding

When we got home from work today Dolly was clearly in standing heat. She was down by the buck pen, along with all the other hussies, teasing and taunting the boys. We locked up the girls, got Dolly on a lead and enticed Uno to come out of the pen and have his way with her. She took it like a pro. I hope she settled, but we will follow the same procedure tonight and tomorrow. After a cigarette break we put Dolly, Raisin, Holly and Amelia in the barn pen and let Samurai out to stay with Ivy and Juliette. That was a lot of running around and moving of goats. Took up most of the night, but all goats are with who they are supposed to be with and since we are "driveway" breeding Dolly to Uno that meant that Uno could stay with Romeo. Phew! I had a moment of indecision when I considered breeding Raisin, Holly and Amelia to Samurai as well, but then I came to my senses and thought about the bother of trying to sell the babies in the spring.

This week University students come to work with our boys. Preconference info is due, the kids don't have school on Friday and I have a PD the same day. Thursday is Girl Scouts. Friday, Oscar is going to his new home. :( Saturday is Finn's birthday. In between all of that I have to somehow bake a cake, order cake and pizza, and buy Finn's birthday gifts. Another Phew!

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